Thursday, January 20, 2011 @ 6 pm

Welcome and Introductions
Meeting brought to order by Donna @6:10pm
Minutes of the last meeting: Minutes were approved as reviewed. Trudy motion to accept the minutes and Debbie seconded the motion. Approved by all.

Treasurer’s Report: Our Christmas baskets made $1057.76 which had been discussed to help support the purchase by Madame Nauta for the library book program from October. Our balance is around $3290.35. More expenses to follow.

Principal’s Report: The School board has brought out a new process with report cards. First graded reports will go out of Feb 9th. Grades 1-6 will be assigned letters and 7-8 will receive a percentage mark along with the middle student grade for comparison. We will have skating Jan 27 and dates in February and March to follow. Extra curricular will be starting intramurals for grades 4-8 to participate in. But it will be more on a show up and play design. This will start next week sometime, organized by Mrs. Wilson. Basketball has started and then will be followed by track and field. A winter carnival is in the planning if the weather co-operates. The library books have all come back from being laminated and are ready for the shelves.
We bid farewell to Miss Mason the co-op student.

Old Business: Quebec trip was brought up by Mrs. Brown stating that some families were struggling to pay balances. Bobbi has recommended selling chocolate bars for 2 years instead of just the one, similar to poinsettias to give families more opportunity to pay for the trip (this seems to be supported by all of council). We discussed about the resource room and requirements for children with special needs and the fact that the funding is being cut back. Donna has printed a letter to go home to parents to sign to help us in fighting this cause. We are encouraging as many people to get involved as possible. The Sue Kanyo dedication and dates for the service are presently being planned. A thank you letter to be sent to Cathy Stevenette for the donation of tree and work involved etc.

Action Items and New Business: The $500 for parent engagement came up for discussion. We have looked at the parent and partnership booklets, motivational speakers. Donna will email Dianne for ideas and council to come back with their own for next meeting.
There seems to be several students not having enough lunch and there was discussion on the school needing to get healthy snacks in for the lunch staff to use for these situations (Jane to look into this).

Upcoming Dates:
PAC Feb: 17, PAC March: 24, PAC April: 21
Candle orders forms go home: Trudy working on this.
Candle orders due: _____________________ Pick up date: _________________
5th Annual Fun Fair June 17, 2011
Meeting adjourned just before 8pm.